Tubular Solenoid

A tubular solenoid is an electrical component that uses electromagnetic force to create a push pull force. Tubular solenoids are standard solenoids encased in a metal tube.

Tubular solenoids are electromechanical devices that use electromagnetic force to create push-pull action. When the solenoid coil is energised the centralised movable core is moved in a particular direction, when de-energised a spring return mechanism returns the core to its initial position. 

The clever design of the tubular case that encapsulates the coil minimises magnetic flux leakage and improves solenoid performance. Tubular solenoids are popular for applications that demand a compact size with performance that exceeds a larger DC C-frame solenoid or DC D-frame solenoid.

With their compact size tubular solenoids are used in various industries as current limiting switches, hydraulic valves and machinery steering controls.

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